Update September 10, 2021 – Review of the DA determination is on the agenda for the Council meeting on 13th September.
August 13, 2021 – At the 2 August 2021 WCC meeting, a motion was passed calling for the WLPP to review DA 2021/5. The APA is waiting for clarification by Council on next steps and a timeline.
July 26, 2021 – Scaffolding has been erected for removal of hazardous materials, but work is paused during the construction lockdown. WCC has advised the APA that architects are working on the construction set of drawings as well as sketches/images of the changes required to comply with the DA conditions. Once available, APA & WSPA will meet with WCC to discuss.
July 8, 2021 – Work has commenced on the site of the former Artarmon Bowling Club.
June 24, 2021 – The Willoughby City Council has added new concept drawings of the last minute changes to the DA. They can be viewed HERE.
May 25, 2021 – The Willoughby Local Planning Panel has passed the (DA) 2021/5 for the former Artarmon Bowling Club without any of the key changes requested by the community through the APA submission- The APA has lodged a complaint with the Willoughby City Council CEO. The letter can be seen HERE.
May 18, 2021 – The Willoughby Local Planning Panel is considering the DA for the former Artarmon Bowling Club on 25th May from 2pm. The meeting will be held by teleconference (Zoom). For more information see HERE. The link to register for the meeting can be found HERE.
April 24, 2021 – Community consultation on Artarmon Parklands Pavilion DA-2021/5 closed on 16 March 2021. WCC has advised Willoughby Local Planning Panel will consider the Development Application on 25 May 2021.

March 16, 2021 – The APA submission to the Willoughby City Council in response to DA-2021/5 1A Burra Road, Artarmon (Artarmon Parklands Pavilion) can be seen HERE. Submission Attachment 1 can be seen HERE. Submission attachment 2 can be seen HERE. The APA would like to thank the community for its active engagement in this process.
March 11, 2021 – Please have a look at the APA draft submission HERE. Submissions close on the 16th March so please provide your feedback the APA secretary before this date.
January 23, 2021 – DA-2021/5 – The council submitted the Development Application late December and community consultation is now open until 16 March 2021. You can view the plans and make a submission at Council’s ePlanning Portal https://eplanning.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/Pages/XC.Track/SearchApplication.aspx?id=506860 If you would like to contribute to the APA’s submission please send feedback to the APA secretary (see our “About Us” page for contact details)
December 14, 2020 – Council has advised the lodgement of the Development Application and associated community consultation on the Artarmon Parklands Pavilion concept design (former Artarmon Bowling Club) will occur in December 2020.
November 10, 2020 – The latest submission to the Willoughby City Council from the Artarmon Progress Association (APA) and the Willoughby South Progress Association (WSPA) can be seen HERE. The council has new information regarding the proposal that can be seen HERE. The preferred design option is the “Artarmon Pavilion – Concept Design 2”. It can be viewed HERE.
October 19, 2020 – The APA recently met with Council to discuss Council’s changed community consultation schedule and ways to work more collaboratively in future. Key outcomes included:
Consultation: APA (and WSPA) have been invited to provide feedback to Council on the concept design by 9 November. Please send your feedback to the APA secretary (see HERE for contact details) by Monday 2 November 2020 The next community-wide consultation on the concept design will occur in November 2020 as part of the Development Application public exhibition (supporting documentation and the Environmental Impact Statement will be provided). Council has confirmed it will then seek further feedback from the community on the detailed design which will incorporate proposed building materials, heritage and sustainability considerations.
Communication between the APA & Council: Council will brief the APA on the top 10 projects relevant to Artarmon at the start of each financial year to increase community knowledge of upcoming projects and permit community input in the early stages of concept and design. Council advised of a proposed Interactive Project Page to facilitate community access to updates on major projects (implementation likely in 2021/22).
October 9, 2020 – The August community consultation appears to have been bypassed. The council has new information regarding the proposal that can be seen HERE. The preferred design option is the “Artarmon Pavilion – Concept Design 2”. It can be viewed HERE. Information on the Willoughby City Council Website can be found HERE and HERE. The Artarmon Progress Associations submission to WCC can be found HERE
July 25, 2020 – Concept designs were received from the Architect in June and presented to Councillors. The concept designs are currently under review . The next community consultation phase will commence in August followed by a briefing to Councillors. Following consultation, Council will commission detailed designs of the building. The DA is anticipated to be lodged in November 2020 and statutory consultation with the public will occur in accord with the Willoughby Community Participation Plan. This will include a mail out to neighbouring residents, the APA and Ward Councillors and will also include individuals who have previously made representation on this matter. An on-site notification sign, as well as advice on Council’s website, will also be provided.