Upcoming events

Artarmon local centre streetscape upgrade - Hampden Road - Fly-through Youtube Video by Willoughby City Council

Upcoming events

PIMs are Q&A meetings held quarterly on specific topics with guest speakers.

  • Weds 13 March 2024, 7:45pm -9:00pm
  • Weds 12 June 2024, 7:45pm -9:00pm
  • Weds 11 September 2022, 7:45pm-9:00pm

Past events

Public Information Meetings (PIMs) - 2023

PIMs are Q&A meetings held quarterly on specific topics with guest speakers.

  • Thur 16 March 2023, 7:45pm -9:00pm. 
  • Weds 21 June 2023, 7:45pm -9:00pm
  • Weds 13 September 2023, 7:45pm-9:00pm
Public Information Meeting - Weds 16 June 2022

Topic and speakers:

  • Welcome: APA Vice President
  • Guest Speaker: Meet the Member of Parliament for Willoughby, Tim James
  • Q&A
Public Information Meeting - Weds 16 March 2022

Topic and speakers:

  • Welcome & Introduction: APA President
  • Guest Speaker: Meet the Mayor, Willoughby City Council Mayor Tanya Taylor
  • Guest Speakers: Meet the WCC Councillors
  • Special Presentation: Artarmon Village Upgrade, Willoughby City Council Officers
  • Q&A

Recording available:

Public Information Meeting - Weds 17 November 2021

Topic: Meet the candidates

  • Welcome and introduction of candidates
  • Set questions to ward lead candidates
  • Questions from the floor
  • Mayoral candidates introduction
  • Set questions to mayoral candidates
  • Final questions and close

Recording available:

Public Information Meeting - Weds 16 June 2021

The APA held a Public Information Meeting on Willoughby City Council’s current and planned works for Artarmon Public Domain. 

Public Information Meeting - Weds 10 March 2021

The APA held a Public Information Meeting with guest speaker Dr Bruce Cooper, Chairman of the Royal North Shore Hospital medical staff council. Bruce outlined the NSW Government’s proposed plans for the Royal North Shore Hospital site and raised the concerns of the RNSH medical community. If approval is given to sell parts of the RNSH campus to developers, the long term viability of the hospital could be adversely affected.

The Ministry of Health building, together with the Herbert Street Precinct, removes more than 22 percent of campus land proposed for much needed ambulatory care and clinical support services. Property & Development NSW have prepared plans for the RNSH site which include a residential tower, primary school and commercial offices.